Massage Therapy Helpful After Bariatric Surgery
At Griffin Hospital we talk a lot about bariatric surgery being most effective when coupled with a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition, daily exercise and time for relaxation and stress management is important for propelling you towards your new, healthier self. One wonderful and indulgent way to relax and let go of stress is through therapeutic massage. Massage offers many benefits beyond pampering to bariatric surgery patients, including:
Mind-body connection – many patients have a hard time seeing their new body size. Often, patients see themselves several sizes larger than they actually are. Weight loss in the first 6 months, especially with the Gastric Bypass, can be dramatic. It takes patients a while to adjust to the smaller version of themselves. Massage therapy helps to make this mind body connection.
Improved circulation – if you are suffering from poor circulation before or after bariatric surgery, you may find massage therapy to be helpful. Massage therapy pumps oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, thus improving circulation. For lymphedema, patients have found much relief when receiving treatments from a trained massage therapist.
Relaxation – taking an hour out of your day devoted just to yourself is already a fantastic step to help mend stress. Add to this a massage therapist who understands how to relax your muscles and you have a sure way of relaxing blissfully.
Gentle start to exercise – it can be difficult to start exercising. Massage therapy can help by exercising and stretching weak, tight or atrophied muscles. A massage therapist can also help increase joint flexibility and help reduce spasms and cramping.
Pain relief – you may have overdone your exercise routine and need a little help recovering. A massage therapist can help relieve your back pain and sore muscles to help you get back into the game again.
Finding a massage therapist in Connecticut
Here are a few ways to ensure that you will have a wonderful massage therapy experience:
- Ensure that the massage therapist is licensed in Connecticut.
- Ensure that the massage therapist is a member of the American Massage Therapy Association
- Let the massage therapist know what your massage goals are, such as relaxation, pain relief, etc.
- Tell the massage therapist of any medical conditions or medications you may be taking.
- Speak up if something does not feel right. For example, if the pressure is too soft or too hard, let the massage therapist know right away.
- Sometimes, even with the best intentions, the massage therapist is not a good match for you. If you do not feel comfortable with the massage therapist, it is always okay to stop the massage and reschedule with someone else.
- If you are looking for a great bargain for therapeutic massage, contact the local Massage therapy schools. Massage students are always looking for patients and their fees are very reasonable. Most massage therapist will also offer discount to patients who make regular appointments.
Please join our monthly OnTrack Workshop to learn about more ways to incorporate a healthy lifestyle after bariatric surgery. Contact Kim Fisher, Bariatric Care Specialist, to learn more about the patient centered bariatric program offered at Griffin Hospital.
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