Making Weight Loss Surgery More Affordable for New Haven Patients
Dr. Abe Fridman and the weight loss surgeons of Griffin Bariatrics discuss ways to reduce weight loss surgery costs for patients, including applying for grants and medical financing. Derby, CT — Bariatric surgery can cost an estimated $23,000. The New Haven weight loss surgeons at Griffin Bariatrics say they work with patients to help reduce costs and find affordable ways to have often life-saving operations. Abe Fridman, DO of Griffin Bariatrics explains that many types of medical insurances now offer coverage for leading weight loss techniques, including gastric banding, gastric sleeve, and gastric bypass. Typically, these policies require the patient to complete certain requirements to be approved. He says this can include showing attempts to lose weight using non-surgical means and attending support programs that teach proper diet and fitness habits. In the event medical insurance will not cover a patient’s treatment plan, in full or in part, Dr. Fridman says other options are available. The Director of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery at Griffin Hospital Bariatrics says his practice works with CareCredit®, a well-known medical financing agency, as a convenience... Read More